Friday 16 June 2017

Blogging homework due Friday, 23rd June

Blogging homework due Friday, 23rd June

Discussion Texts

We have been learning all about discussion texts and balanced arguments. For your homework this week, I'd like you to write a discussion of the following question: Do dogs make better pets than cats?

Remember to:

-Write an introduction that explains what you are discussing.
-Write arguments FOR and AGAINST, backed up with good reasons.
-Include a conclusion that sums up and explains your decision.
-Include conjunctions to add information to your argument (Furthermore, In addition, Indeed, Moreover).
-Include conjunctions to introduce a different side of the argument (However, On the other hand, In contrast).
-Include generalisers (some people, many pet owners).
-Include interesting words to introduce opinions (think, claim, suggest, believe).

I'm looking forward to reading your discussions!


  1. Do dogs make better pets than cats?
    I do not think that dogs make better pets than cats. Nor do cats than dogs. The majority of people think that Dogs are better than Cats. Some suggest Cats are better. Another small group claim that both of them are great pets. The rest believe they are both bad.

    Dogs get more fleas than cats and leave more saliva everywhere. They are also very loud so they might wake you up in the middle of the night. They can also spread lots of germs behind. Unlike Cats, Dogs can bite a lot what's more,they are hard to control and run of to anywhere.

    However, go back to the point where I said dogs are very loud. That is actually helpful. If there is a danger that you do not know about, your dog ( If you have one), might alert you. A cat stays quiet. In addition to that, they know great tricks and learn them very easily. One more thing is that they obey orders more than cats.

    By Eva.

  2. Dogs do make better pets then Cats because,dogs don't go and run around and get lost but cats just go out and maybe get lost.Furthermore, cats are independent but dogs are active and need company and most cats are lazy.Also dogs go on walks most of the time on a leash's,and cats just go them self and get lost.

    On the other hand people think that dogs don't make good pets because cats run for it and get some energy,some dogs just sleep in there beds.However, cats may not get lost because they have a collar that might say the owners address and dogs just have a leash that might say there name. However cats don't hurt that much people but only if they do something wrong and dogs have sharp nails and easily scratch people.
    Therefore in my opinion i think dogs make better pets then cats.

  3. In my opinion cats are more independent then dogs. You don't have to take your cat to the park, because you can install cat flap and cat can go in and out at any time, and always come back to you. However on the other hand, dogs can get lost by running away from you and then you will feel sad. Cats can clean them self and dogs can't. In addition cats can heel you by sitting on your sick place, dogs can't. Some people can argue wit me, and say that dogs are more friendly then cats, but my cat is very friendly to me, and always come for a hug.

  4. Cats vs Dogs

    Here are some reasons why I like cats, you don’t have to take them on a walk but dogs you have to take them on a long walk. Here is some more reasons why I like cats, cats like to be bye there own they won’t bother you and have some time bye yourself. Cats won’t lick your face. Cats are very cute and harmless, cats won’t keep saying meow.

    Her are some reasons why I don’t like cats, cats tear your curtains, scratch you and rip your furniture. They always sleep in your bed. They are experts in getting into trouble. Cats could wonder around and end up being in the places there not allowed to be in. They might even be lost or stuck in a small place and seriously injured. Beware of vicious attacks.

    My opinion is cats should be better pets rather than dogs because cats don’t cause much harm to you our your home, so my opinion is for dogs should not be better pets than cats because dogs can sometimes clumsy and end up breaking stuff or can bite on stuff and getting spit on it or worse ripping it in half.

    by Armaan.

  5. Do dogs make better pets than cats?

    Lately, we have been discussing whether dogs make better pets than cats vast majority of children and some adults state that they dislike dogs.

    Lots of people like dogs as they‘re protective, cute animals, snarl when scared, can hear and smell way better than any human on earth if they don’t have superpowers.

    The vast majority of people say cats are better especially the people who hate, dislike or are petrified of dogs or mice. Probably because cats eat mice and you can only choose if a dog or a cat is better you don’t choose dog because you hate, dislike or are petrified of them means you choose cat.

    I am just going to say cat is better as a dog nearly bit me in NEW YEAR!!! I’m also just pet-rified of dogs.


  6. By Kashvi
    Today we are discussing, are dogs better than cats or cats are better than dogs? Majority of people say dogs are better however many argue that cats are better. There are many reasons you should have a dog, some dogs owners are the police. Police dogs tract down criminals. Dogs have a great sense of smell and can easily guide police to criminals from the slightest scent. Cats cannot, they just eat and sleep Additionally, dogs can help people that have limited sight. They can know where to go, how to guide and follow their master’s instructions. Cats can not.If you take a dog for a walk, it often needs to go out, you will benefit from getting exercise and fresh air. Furthermore, dogs are a great companion. If you are alone, a dog will be there to play with you, it won’t argue with you or says “I don’t want to play with you”. Dogs always follow your instructions, unlike a cat that is lazy, sleepy and only comes to you when it feels like. A dog will know if a stranger is in the house, it recognises familiar people and alerts if theres a stranger near by. Much better than an alarm.On the other hand, if you don’t like to go out too often, just want to see you pet every so often playing that a cat would be ideal. Do remember that cat have long sharp claws and probably will damage your furniture!!!
    On other hand, when people are stressed or worried, having a cat can bring calmness. People say a cat has 9 lives, this problemtrue because have seen a cat with a broke its leg it seem it always lands on their legs. Cat are easy to look after they just go through the cat flap if it want to go for a walk. Cat can look after their self. If there is trouble it will just run away.

  7. I think cats make better pets.

    I think cats make better pets because with dogs you have to take them for walks. With cats they can take themselves for walks. Also some dogs bite. Cats can also scare other animals away. If cats get lost they can automatically remember their way back home. Furthermore cats can jump up really high. On the other hand cats can land on their feet if they were to jump. I believe that the cat doesn’t dribble or have saliva down them.

    I think cats make better pets and I hope that this debate I have written for you will hopefully convince you to agree with me.

  8. Some excellent arguments put forward. Blog and paper entries discussed in class. Well done!
